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1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Document Search Response Schema

The API responds with Documents based on the filters selected. Each document has a list of common attributes. Below is a list of the various attributes found in the Documents invoked by the Search Documents method.

The latest json schema can be viewed and downloaded through this link.

  • 03/13/2024 – added available attributes for different Document Types
  • 02/20/2024 – added agency_update, agenda_rule, applicability_date, audit_entries, authors, citation_ids, comment, content_authorization, content_qualification,eitl_labels, enforcement, implementation_date, language, languages, languages_of_language_related_docs, mainstream_news, obligations, pipeline_status, presentation_id, presidential_document, proposed_rule, publisher, whitepaper
  • 05/18/2023 – added “concepts_tags, has_unofficial_publication_date, Hidden, translated, user_has_access” attributes
  • 04/13/2022 – deprecated “bookmarked” attribute
  • 02/09/2022 – clarified attribute descriptions for “docket_ids” and “dockets”
  • 09/01/2021 – added attribute for “deprecated”
  • 08/24/2021 – added attribute for “cai_category_name”