Automatically monitor regulatory updates to map to your internal policies, procesures and controls. Learn More

1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Product Enhancements iMac

Our new Training Center release notes site and release notes emails are designed to inform you about both regarding upcoming changes and improvements, and recently deployed updates in a convenient format. In August, these changes included a diverse range of upgrades, ranging from adding coverage for annotations to our new Management Hub to usability enhancements like expanded date localization and including additional data in our Workflow Summary. API users can also leverage search and agency end point improvements to receive more precise search results.

We also continued enriching and expanding our regulatory coverage, including: regulatory updates for legislations, regulations, banking, corporate governance, data protection, employment, finance, insurance, and securities. Our expanding global coverage includes Brazil, Canada, Taiwan (ROC), Germany, the European Union, France, Ireland, Israel, South Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, South Africa, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States.

Prepare internally and stay informed about new capabilities

To help you prepare and keep you informed about new capabilities, feature enhancements and bug fixes, we’ve created a release notes email along with a section for upcoming and past release notes on our Training Center portal. The release notes emails will direct you to specific details available on the Training Center.

Managing your Release Notes email preferences

Viewing Release Notes


Speed up organizing labels and annotations using the new Management Hub

We’ve launched a new Management Hub enabling administrators to quickly organize Labels & Annotations for different members of their organization. In July, we introduced a revamped “Manage Labels” feature as our initial Management Hub capability. Now, we’ve added Manage Annotations to the Management Hub.

Accessing the Management Hub

The Management Hub allows you to group your organization’s information, such as labels and annotations, into logical folders. Once you’ve organized your labels and/or annotations, you can share the folders with specific individuals, and specify Edit / View permissions for the shared information. For example, you can create folders that are jurisdictional, line of business based, or topical and restrict access to the annotations/labels within these folders (View, Edit or both) to specific team members.

If you haven’t tried the Management Hub yet, the first step to leverage these capabilities is creating unique folders for groupings of annotations and/or labels. If you only want to group either annotations or labels, don’t worry. Simply leave items you want to have available to all users in your organization in the default Public Folder and move other items into your new jurisdictional, line of business, or topical folders. 

Management Hub: Adding Folders


Once you’ve created your folders, you can share with the appropriate team and/or members, giving Edit or View permission.

Sharing Folders


Once you’ve added and shared your new folders, simply access your existing annotations or labels within the Public Folder, then move the relevant annotations or labels to your new folders.

Moving Annotations to your new folders


Organizing your annotations or labels into folders and sharing will ensure that different members of your organization have optimal access to this information. Those who need to see items for informational purposes only (View) will be able to View, but not Add or Delete labels or annotations, those who need to manage particular labels or annotations (Edit), will be able to view, add or delete labels or annotations, and those who should not be aware of the items will not see them at all.

Unique annotation viewing & editing experiences across your organization


If your organization needs to maintain confidentiality or even just clarity of purpose across different parts of your enterprise with respect to labeling or annotations, our new capabilities will help you balance the ease of use you’re familiar with in using labeling and annotations with the need to create team, group, or even member-specific labels or annotations. All your org admin will need to do to start taking advantage of this capability is establish new label and annotation folders and move existing items to the most appropriate folder.

Backwards compatible: If our current labeling and annotations capabilities work well for you, there is no need to take further action. All of your organization’s labels and annotations are available to you in a single Public Folder that is accessible to all organization members. If you don’t set up any new folders, all new labels and annotations will be added to the Public Folder automatically.

Use our enhanced Agencies API to receive more precise search results

Now, The Agencies API end-point supports a new filter criteria to help filter API response results to particular attributes. For instance, by specifying ‘jurisdiction’ as the exclusive field, the API response will exclusively provide information about this attribute for the relevant agencies. This empowers users to obtain more focused and targeted data from the API.


Find the right content no matter where you are in the world

We have replaced existing mm/dd/yyyy date formats with the unambiguous long format dates (e.g., 8 Aug, 2023) in all areas of the product where necessary, including Folders, Downloads, and Manage Labels. The Downloads time also now reflects your computer’s local time rather than UTC for clarity.

Clear date information throughout the platform

Additionally, we have upgraded our treatment of date searches within specific areas of the platform, including Notifications, Manage Labels and Related Documents to support local date formats. For example, if your computer’s system local date preferences are set to US, by default, you will see the mm/dd/yyyy date format for  all date related fields. 

Localized Date Search

Run workflow reports with more clarify: Get a comprehensive review of all assignee actions

To ensure you have a clear understanding of the actions of all participants in your workflow, we have added a new “Approver” column and retitled the existing Assignee column as “Original Assignee” within our at-a-glance Workflow Summary. 

The Workflow Summary is available by clicking “View summary” for every workflow in your organization.

Speed up your regulatory research by integrating Concepts into your regulatory review 

Constructing the best possible search for key regulatory changes can be challenging. That’s why we continue to enhance our library of Concepts. Concepts are automatically applied to all regulatory content available in our platform, allowing you to locate critical regulatory changes and associated documents related to specific topics with one click.

Our latest Concepts focus on Corporate Compliance areas, and include:

Corporate ComplianceCarbon and ESGCarbon and ESG pertain to both the element carbon’s role in emissions and climate impact, as well as the broader evaluation of a company’s environmental, social, and governance practices for sustainability and responsible business operations.
Corporate ComplianceConflict of InterestA situation where an individual’s personal interests, relationships, or activities could potentially compromise their impartiality or objectivity in making business decisions that affect the organization.
Corporate ComplianceAntitrust & CompetitionAdherence to laws that promote fair and competitive market environments by preventing monopolistic practices, collusion, and anti-competitive behavior within industries.
Corporate ComplianceThird Party ComplianceThe oversight and management of the ethical and regulatory adherence of external parties, such as suppliers, distributors, and business partners, who interact with or represent the organization.
Corporate ComplianceModern SlaveryThe efforts of organizations to prevent and address any forms of forced labor, human trafficking, or exploitative practices within their operations and supply chains in line with ethical and legal standards.
Corporate ComplianceTax EvasionThe illegal act of intentionally manipulating financial information or engaging in deceptive practices to evade paying taxes owed to governmental authorities.
Corporate ComplianceCustoms, Trade Controls & SanctionsThe regulatory frameworks and policies that govern the movement of goods across international borders, ensuring compliance with import/export regulations and trade agreements. It also includes sanctions imposed by governments to restrict trade with certain individuals, entities, or countries for political, security, or economic reasons.
Corporate ComplianceIntellectual PropertyThe legal protection and management of intangible assets, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, to ensure their rightful ownership, use, and safeguarding within the organization’s operations.

To use any of our Concepts within a search, simply add the Concept of interest to your basic or advanced search, and then add other attributes such as agencies, jurisdictions, or publication dates to further narrow your results.

If our new Corporate Compliance Concepts apply to your business, don’t forget to select them in your Default Filters so they are automatically added to your search when you access the Timeline or conduct your own searches.

All Concepts associated with regulatory changes are listed in the Details right panel, giving you higher visibility to assess the potential impact of a regulatory change before you review the entire document.

Our Concept library is expanding all the time. If you have suggested Concepts that would benefit you, reach out to us at and we’ll work with you to further extend our Concept capabilities.

For a list of all Concepts provided by, please check out our Concept documentation on

Speed up regulatory research using one source for Intelligence: Expanding Coverage

We continued expansion of our regulatory coverage. You can now follow recent regulatory updates across specific lines of business and jurisdictions:

  • Banking: related updates from Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Africa. 
  • Corporate Governance: related updates from the Netherlands.
  • Data Protection: related updates from the European Union, and the Netherlands.
  • Employment: related updates from Brazil, and Mexico.
  • Finance: related updates from Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, Korea, Luxembourg, Poland, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • Insurance: related updates from Nova Scotia (Canada), Canada (Federal), Germany.
  • Legislations: from the Northwest Territories (Canada), Spain, the European Union, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Portugal, and Wyoming.
  • Regulations: from France, and Luxembourg.
  • Securities: related updates from Israel, Massachusetts, and Taiwan (ROC).
  • Brazil: updates from the Superintendência Nacional de Previdência Complementar (BRA-PREVIC).
  • Canada: updates from the Department of Finance (CAN-DOF), Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (CAN-IIROC), Nova Scotia Finance and Treasury Board (CAN-NSFTB), Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories (CAN-NTLA), OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (CAN-OLHI). 
  • Taiwan (ROC): updates from the Taipei Exchange (CHN-TPEX), and the Taiwan Stock Exchange (CHN-TWSE).
  • Germany: updates from the Bundesverband Alternative Investments (DEU-BAI), Bundesverwaltungsgericht (DEU-BVerwG), and the Gesamtverband der Versicherer (DEU-GDV).
  • European Union: updates from the European Data Protection Supervisor (EU-EDPS), Publications Office of the European Union (EU-PO), and European Data Protection Board (EU-EDPB).
  • France: updates from the Autorite des Marches Financiers (FRA-AMF), and the Parliament of France (FRA-PARL).
  • Ireland: updates from the Irish Association of Investment Managers (IRL-IAIM), Irish Funds Industry Association (IRL-FIA).
  • Israel: updates from the Israel Securities Authority (ISR-ISA).
  • South Korea: updates from the Korean Financial Investment Association (KOR-KOFIA).
  • Luxembourg: updates from the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (LUX-ALFI), Banque Centrale du Luxembourg (LUX-BCL), and the Cour Grand-Ducale Luxembourg [Court of the Grand-Ducale] (LUX-CGD).
  • Mexico: updates from the Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro [National Commission of the Retirement Savings System Mexico] (MEX-CONSAR).
  • Netherlands: related updates from Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens [Dutch Data Protection Authority] (NLD-AP), De Nederlandsche Bank (NLD-DNB), Eumedion Corporate Governance Forum (NLD-ECGF).
  • Poland: updates from the Financial Supervision Authority [Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego] (POL-KNF).
  • Portugal: updates from the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal (PRT-AR).
  • South Africa: updates from the South African Reserve Bank (ZAF-SARB).
  • Spain: updates from the Cortes Generales de Espana (ESP-CG).
  • United Arab Emirates: updates from the Ministry of Finance (ARE-MOF).
  • United States: updates from the Massachusetts Securities Division (MA-SD), New Jersey Legislature (NJ-LEG), Oklahoma Legislature (OK-LEG) and the Wyoming Legislature (WY-LEG).

Tip of the Month: Customize your organization’s experience with Business Profiling covers over a thousand regulatory agencies from across the globe and provides hundreds of Concepts to meet your needs. The breadth of coverage can be a little overwhelming. That’s why we encourage org admins to leverage Business Profiling.

With Business Profiling, You can simply find your organization using a search within Profile > Admin double check your profile, and we’ll recommend the topics, concepts, agencies, and news & premium content sources that are most pertinent to your business. 

Help your organization discover the most relevant information in through Business Profiling.

To learn more about Business Profiling, visit our Training Center and take our Create Your Organization Profile training course.

Please visit Agency Sources within the documentation section of our Developer Platform website and bookmark the pages as we update them frequently!

Update your Default Filters at any time to take advantage of our new regulatory sources.

We hope you enjoyed this product update!

Client feedback is always welcome. Please contact our support team with any questions or feedback or schedule a time to review our new features. Remember that you can always access the Training Center under the Help (?) section of the platform for more information.

Regtech solution

regulatory management hub