Automatically monitor regulatory updates to map to your internal policies, procesures and controls. Learn More

1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


Considering RCM Solutions?  Here’s an RFP to get started.


Over the past month, we have added features that help you research regulatory changes more efficiently. Most importantly we’ve introduced a new approach to navigating our international law library. We’ve consolidated the law  libraries under the Resources section within Now you can not only access US federal and state laws, but also international laws under the  Resource section as well. 

We also continued enriching our regulatory coverage and our resource content, most notably new content and regulatory updates for banking, insurance, privacy, consumer protection and employment matters from US state regulators. We have also expanded our coverage from international sources from Australia, Belgium, Bahrain, Canada, China, Germany, Finland, and Sweden.

To make the most of, review 2022 EITL Forum presentations, including a sneak peek at our BYOC solution at EITL Form On Demand.

Research made easy with Resources:’s new International Law Library

We’ve enhanced our Resources law library to include not only US federal and state resources, but also a growing number of international resources, all presented in the familiar accordion style navigation. 

In addition to adding key resources from the European Union, the UK, Germany, India, the UAE, and Bermuda, the new design increases horizontal real estate so you can view more chapter, subchapter, and part information on a single screen. We’ve also made it easier to navigate between Resources and other areas of the platform by automatically returning you to the exact section of the resource you last viewed when you return to the Resource page.

Review the capabilities of our refreshed Resources pages here.

“Official” publication date filter helps you filter out the noise

Not all documents have an official publication date provided by the regulatory source. In some cases, uses the date on which the document was added to the platform as a proxy for publication date to help you search, and in other cases, we use a best-match approach based on the dates mentioned in the document. 

To help you filter out documents without an “official” publication date, we’ve added a new “Official only” selection for publication date. This option is On by default on all basic searches, but can be deselected at any time if you wish to include documents without an official publication date in your search. To leverage this feature in advanced search, select the “Include Unofficial Publication Date” option and select “false”.

“Official Only” Publication Date Designation is pre-selected in Basic Search

Select “Include Unofficial Publication Date” = False in Advanced Search

One Source for Regulatory Intelligence: Expanding Regulatory Coverage

We continued our expansion of US and International regulatory sources. You can now follow recent regulatory updates across specific lines of business and jurisdictions:

  • US Legislations and Regulations: from: Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and California.
  • Insurance: Related updates from Puerto Rico, and Maryland.
  • Banking: Related updates from the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Financial Accounting Standards Board, Texas, Rhode Island, Minnesota California, and Alaska.
  • Consumer Protection: related updates from Puerto Rico.
  • Employment: related updates from New York.
  • Healthcare: related updates from the US Preventive Services Task Force.
  • Australia: updates from the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AUS-AASB), Parliament of Australia (AUS-PARL), New South Wales Legislation (AUS-NSWL)
  • Belgium: updates from the National Bank of Belgium (BEL-NB).
  • Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain (BHR-CBB).
  • Canada: updates from the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CAN-CPAB), Canadian Office of Commissioner of Languages (CAN-OCOL), Legislative Assembly of Nunavut (NU-LEG), National Assembly of Quebec (CAN-QCNA), and the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (CAN-SKLA).
  • China: updates from People’s Bank of China (CHN-PBC), the Financial Supervisory Commission of Taiwan (TWN-FSC), updates from the Hong Kong Legislative Council (HKG-LC).
  • Germany: updates from the Bundesbank (DEU-BB), Bundesministerium der Finanzen (German Finance Ministry) (DEU-BMF), Bundesverband deutscher Banken (Association of German Banks) (DEU-BVB), Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft (German Banking Industry Committee) (DEU-DK).
  • Finland: updates from the Finland Finanssivalvonta (Finland Financial Supervisory Authority) (FIN-FSA).
  • Sweden: updates from the Sweden Finansinspektionen (Financial Supervisory Authority) (SWE-FI)

Tip of the Month: Experience the future of compliance with Labels from

If you use a common syntax within your organization to track regulatory themes, controls, or risks, using labels is a great way to extend your naming conventions to Using common labels across your systems is also another way to build a bridge between information in your GRC, other platforms, and

To learn more about adding your own labels to, and using labels in search and reporting, watch this short video. If you’d like to learn more about automation options, contact your account manager, reach out to us using Contact Us on, or email us at

Please visit Agency Sources within the documentation section of our Developer Platform website and bookmark the pages as we update them frequently!

Update your Default Filters at any time to take advantage of our new regulatory sources.

We hope you enjoyed this product update!

Client feedback is always welcome. Please contact our support team with any questions or feedback or schedule a time to review our new features. Remember that you can always access the Training Center under the Help (?) section of the platform for more information.

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regulatory change intelligence

label management