Automatically monitor regulatory updates to map to your internal policies, procesures and controls. Learn More

1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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New product updates

In May 2021, we  continued introducing new capabilities to help our clients manage regulatory change management processes and workflows more efficiently. We pressed on expanding our regulatory coverage and have made it easier to find the most relevant regulatory changes to help optimize enterprise-wide compliance activities. 

Revamp your alerts with our new relative date options

Rather than using alerts that are bound to specific/static date ranges, you can now use relative date filter options to create dynamic searches. This new feature helps you find regulatory changes  that have either been published by regulators, processed by or updated by “today”, “yesterday”, or even in the “last x days”, weeks or years. Adding relative dates is particularly helpful when you’re setting up workflow alerts or want to execute the same search on a periodic basis.

While you’re updating your alerts with relative dates, don’t forget to take advantage of Concepts.

Workflows processes are much easier to understand using workflow visualization

The Team edition workflow feature helps you build and manage workflows. These workflows help you define and  automate your complex regulatory change management processes. With our new workflow visualization tool, it’s just as easy to double check your workflow as it is to build it. Simply select View as Diagram while you’re editing a workflow to see the workflow process steps laid out in an intuitive format. Workflow visualization  makes it easy to identify missing steps, incorrect dependencies, and incorrect due dates, so that you can be confident you’re applying the right process.

Reduce the noise when using the Developer Platform API to filter regulatory content 

The Agency Endpoint and Document Type Endpoint from the Developer API now support additional filters like ID, sort, name, etc. to help you narrow down the results. Enhancements were also made to the Document Type / Category Endpoint results to make it easier to get details on each category and meta category used throughout the platform.

Expanding Regulatory Coverage

During the past month, has focused its continued expansion of regulatory sources on strengthening its U.S. insurance coverage. Now you will be also able to follow:

  • Enforcement activity from Louisiana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Virginia.
  • Extended Regulatory updates from Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Washington.

Additionally, our international coverage continues to grow, allowing you to track activity from these international agencies:

  • Australia: Prudential Regulation Authority (AUS-APRA);
  • Colombia:Financial Superintendence of Colombia (COL-FS);
  • Germany: Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (DEU-BMJV) and the German Banking Industry Committee (DEU-DK);
  • European Union: Europol (EU-POL) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EU-EFRAG); 
  • India: Directorate General of Foreign Trade (IND-DGFT);
  • United Kingdom: Parliament (UK-PARL); and,
  • South Africa: Parliament (ZAF-PARL).

Please visit our complete list of regulatory sources, and bookmark that page as we update it frequently!

Update your Default Filters at any time to take advantage of our new international sources.

I hope you enjoyed this product update!

Your feedback is always welcome. Please contact our support team with any questions or feedback. Remember that you can always access our product guides under the Support section of the product for more information.

If you’re not yet using, please feel free to schedule a demo with one of our specialists to see how RegTech can transform the way you work.

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